
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Kenny K Cutie

Hi all!  Remember last week I told you I LOVED whimsy stamps?  Well I really, really do!!!!!  I have been drooling over the Kenny K line for awhile but I am always reluctant trying new companies because I know I will fall head over ink pads for them because I have yet to find a stamp company I haven't become addicted to!  She was super fun to color and I added a little felt to her too (the flower and heart) to make it a little more funky.  Hope you enjoy!!!

Supplies:  Ink-Memento Tuxedo Black, Copics (Clothes--B97 R22 W3 E34 E47  Hair--E49 E47 E57  Skin--R20 E00 Other--R35 C1 B00) Whimsy Stamps--Kenny K (Queens Cutie)

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