
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Beach Babe

Good Morning and welcome to Wonderful Wednesday here at One Crazy Stamper.  It seems like the weeks are getting shorter and this day sneaks up on me every week.

I am not sure what the weather is like where you are but here in Southern Ontario it is HOT and I mean HOT (the humidex is is like walking into a brick wall of humidity).  Our little air conditioner and fans are just not keeping up.  And this card that I made today makes me feel cooler and takes me to a place I would much rather be.  I used a new image from the Your Next Stamp Darlin' Diva Collection

A close up of the image:

Copics Used: Skin ~ E00, E02, E11, R20; Hair ~ E25, E29, E31; Bathing Suit, Hat and Purse ~ BG11, BG13, BG15, E50, E51, R29; Towel ~ BG11, BG13, BG15, Y11, Y13, Y15; Beach Ball ~ B24, B26, YG05, YG07, YR02, YR04; Sand ~ E31, E33, E35, E55

Glad you could come by today.  I hope you enjoy your day no matter how you are spending it. 



  1. Love your card today! The way you did the sand is really nice! Keep cool!

  2. cute and love the sand technique!
