
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Honey Days!!!!

Time for Terrific Tuesday here at One Crazy Stamper and this week I just could not resist coloring these two adorable images from CC Designs!!

This is Honey Bee-trice and Woodland Daisy colored with Copics in a most unusual color combination for a cute little bee. I stamped and colored Honey twice, so that one of the images could be fussy cut and popped up on the original image. The antennae and flower center have been flocked, wings have a coat of Smooch Top Coat Illuminate paint to make them shimmer, and the small flower centers and dots on the sentiment were highlighted with Stickles Fruit Punch. The dp is from Teresa Collins Sweet Afternoon collection, while the bakers twine and flower are from my stash. The white spots on her cheeks are done with Copics Opaque White paint.

You still have lots of time to enter for a chance to win a fabulous prize here at the One Crazy Stampers challenge blog, by following the monthly theme which is a Sketch. Check out the rest of the design teams wonderful creations, and make sure to stop by the One Crazy Stamper brick and mortar store or the online store here, to find all of the wonderful products featured here, plus much, much more!!!