OK, I’m ready for summer………..let’s get this snow melted and the temperature heated up!! While I was away, I think that sneaky little groundhog did a number on me and saw his shadow. Brrrrr. Two weeks ago, I had a sunburn…… should have stayed put and refused to come home!!
I’m sure there are places with worst temperatures that our balmy –4 celsius. (But my mind is still on the Cruise Ship, sitting in the warmth of the sun, sipping iced Chai Tea Latte’s.) OK, enough complainin’!!
Today, I’ve chosen to showcase a beautiful Sarah Kay image available at One Crazy Stamper. Lora has so many beautiful images, it is hard to decide on just one to work on. This week’s card is a very simple one – as I’ve been suffering with an ugly cough / cold and haven’t felt very creative amongst the kleenex piles.

A friend (thank you Wendy!!) came to my rescue by sending me this “paper”……….and the colour was absolutely perfect for a quick card not to distract from the gorgeous image (coloured with my favorite, copics) of “Roses Garden” from Stampavie. Head right over there to look at all the stamps Lora has on sale. ------ Wait!!, before you go, please view my card………. It has been a couple of weeks since I’ve done this, so…………. * ta da * . YEA! it worked.

And here is a close up of Rose………………………………………….and of the card opened. 
I’ve left the inside blank, so I can add one that will be appropriate when I need a card.
Ok, I’m finished.
You can head on over to One Crazy Stamper and shop til you drop, and then some, with Lora’s awesome prices. See you next week.
~ Rubber hugs, inky wishes ~